Software Engineering Project
Different Themes
Development Info
Role: Algorithm Specialist
Duration: March 2021 - May 2021
Tools Used: Agile Scrum Methodology, IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.4, EMACS, Git/Github, Java 8, Clojure, ClojureScript
Team Size: 10
Project Description
My software engineering project is a desktop/mobile application that was developed for Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. I worked as a full-time algorithms specialist. I implemented various pathfinding algorithms and I also helped out with the front-end UI design.
The application includes systems for service requests that are to be used by patients and employees of the hospital. Furthermore, visitors can find their way around both the inside and outside of the hospital through the use of an interactive map. Using a variety of optimal pathfinding algorithms, users of the app will be directed to their specified end location.
Prior to accessing the full application users will be required to fill out a Covid symptoms survey. Precautions are taken by the application in order to sort users into the correct entrances. A high-risk patient may be directed towards the emergency entrance. This is done through the use of our COVID survey request feature. Our application seeks to create a more sensible workflow inside the hospital with individual request forms and provide the end-users with clear sets of instructions to get anywhere they need to.
Upon app startup user's are automatically logged into a premade guest account. The types of accounts users of the application can access are admin, employee, patient and the guest accounts. Admins are able to access our applications account manager feature and create, modify, and delete accounts. The various accounts allow the application to dynamically change and restrict features if the type of account does not have access to it.
The request manager feature allows higher level accounts to view and resolve any of the ten service requests. On the profile page any user can access information regarding the statuses of any submitted request.
In addition to the account related features the main allure of the app comes in the forms of the map editor and pathfinding pages. The map display on both pages takes advantage of our zoom and pan features for ease of use. Furthermore, in order to aid with visual clarity the map editor uses a contextual action upon right clicking an element on the page. This allowed our application to boast both impressive technical features while still retaining its sleek and streamlined design.
Project Source
If you are interested, you can find all the detailed implementations and a Jar file(You need to have Java 8 to run it) using the button below!