Planet Shooty

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Development Info

Role: Tools Programmer, Gameplay Programmer, concept designer

Tools Used: Dragonfly Engine, Git, VS Code, Miro

Duration: 12/7/2020 - 12/13/2020

Team Size: 2

Game Info

Genre: Tower Defense

Platform: Windows 10

Project Status: Published

Game concept

      In this game, the main purpose is to protect a planet (located in the center of the game world) from incoming waves of asteroids. The longer you survive and more asteroids you destroy the more points you get. Making purchase will consume the points you earned, so use them wisely.

      Planet has one simple but not effective self-defense mechanism, launching tiny missles that can destroy one asteroid per launch. The most reliable way to prevent the Planet from massive amount of asteroids is to use various blocks provided in the game.

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Gameplay Focus

      Instead of relying on the shooting ability of the Planet itself, the blocks are in fact the main characters in the game, and the positioning of blocks is the key to success. In this fast-paced game, player has to make quick but precise decision to place the blocks. Poor positioning of blocks could lead to a loss every quickly.

Technical Focus

       We put in a lot of time and effort to ensure that the waves are continuous and stable in terms of objects rendering. We tried to use effective algorithms to generate and destroy “Asteroids”. We also spent a lot of time to create the intense atmosphere in the game, yet the game is winnable.

Project Source

      If you are interested, you can find all the detailed implementations and the game executable using the button below!