Moene's Clipboard
--- This video demonstrates a quick walkthrough of our web applicaiton---
Development Info
Role: Backend Programmer
Tools Used: VS Code, Mongodb, express.js, Node.js, CryptoJS, javascript
Duration: September 2022 - October 2022
Team Size: 4
Platform: Most of the modern browsers
Project Description
This is an online content-hosting and content-sharing service just like Pastebin or any other text storage sites where the users can store plain text (or image) and share them to other people securely.
However the sender will be asked to input a secret key or password for sharing and the receiver has to provide the same secret key or password to view the text content.
All encryption will be done at the client so that no plaintext would be shown throughout the commication. Only the registered user (via Github OAuth) can send messages, but receiver doesn't have to be a registered user. All information will be store in mongodb.
What I learned
- The basics of Web Development, Including the use of CSS, javascript, HTML, view engines and other frameworks
- How to utilize existing tools to enhance visual representaiton
- How client and server communicate
- Better understandings on javascript and how it works under the hood
- Design principles for Web applicaiton
Project Source
If you are interested, you can find all the detailed implementations using the button below! It will direct you to the Github page of the project.
- © Oliver Chen
- All content and trademarks property of their respective owners.